•If vendor is not providing service after getting service request in there
Account 10% amount will be deducted from vendor account.
•If customer is not satisfied with the vendor service or vendor behaviour,vendor shall refund amount and his vendor rating will be effected.
•If vendor is on holiday,he/she need to mark in the holiday calender one week prior to the holiday.
•Vendor cannot deny service,once it is assign to him/her ,otherwise action can be taken.
•Vendor need to comply the samadhaann rules and regulations.
•Samadhaann is having all right to deny or accept any vendor request of services.
•Vendor needs to sign one year service contract with samdhaann and after one year,if vendor want’s to exit he/she needs to provide one month prior intimation.
•In case of any conflict samadhaann decision is last decision.
•Samadhaann is having all rights related to rules formation.